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Uso de Metazoa en inglés
The effort also fits well with plans to ultimately sequence all orders of the Metazoa.
Man's ancestors are Gastraeads, like the simplest of the actual Metazoa (Prophysema, Olynthus, Hydra, Pemmatodiscus).
Their history should be, in terms of their own unit, as punctuational as the history of sexual Metazoa.
But in the second division of the animal kingdom also, the Metazoa, there is at first no nervous system.
The gastraea theory has now convinced us that all the Metazoa or multicellular animals can be traced to a common stem-form, the Gastraea.
This two-layered embryonic form is the ontogenetic reproduction of the extremely important phylogenetic stem-form of all the Metazoa, which we have called the Gastraea.
As the human embryo passes through the gastrula-form like that of all the other Metazoa, we can trace its phylogenetic origin to the Gastraea.
With simple modifications, our methods may be used to search for different sets of genes or to annotate data sets from taxa outside of Metazoa.
In all the Metazoa the first embryonic process is the repeated cleavage of the stem-cell, or first segmentation-cell (Figure 2.229).
Its functions are represented by the simple cell-layer of the ectoderm, which the lower Metazoa have inherited from the Gastraea (Figure 1.30 e).
I have shown already (Chapters 1.8 and 1.9) that the two-layered embryos of all the Metazoa can be reduced to this typical gastrula.
The lowest metazoa we know-namely ,thelower zoophyta (sponges, simple polyps, etc.
Despite this, how CDK mediates cell cycle and developmental transitions in metazoa is poorly understood.
We have first to distinguish the unicellular animals (protozoa) from the multicellular tissue-forming (metazoa).
I also divided the realm of metazoa into two great groups, the lower and higher metazoa.
Sympagic metazoa and diatoms have been studied extensively since they can be identified using microscopy techniques.